Brookshire Learning Center's full plan and response in it's original form will be found by clicking the Printable Plan button at the top of this page. That document will not be edited as time goes on and our plans change. We encourage you to read it as there is a wealth of information contained within and links to official sources of information.
We will provide updates to the actions that we need from parents, associates, and vendors on this page. We will update these actions, plans, and policies as we progress through the five stage Back on track Indiana plan and we learn more about the disease and how to minimize risk.
UPDATE 6/9/2020: No current plan modifications.
UPDATE 7/2/2020: We are constantly working on ways to make our facility as safe as possible for your children, you, and our team. We have had discussions with local physicians who are treating patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Many patients diagnosed in physicians’ offices have had minimal or no symptoms. This includes parents who have unknowingly transmitted the virus to their children.
In order to minimize the chance of transmission in our facility, under the advice of local physicians, we are asking you to consider the following actions to help keep us all safe.
Please keep your children home if you, your children, or any member of your household have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or if you, your children, or any member of your household display any of the COVID-19 symptoms. If you, your children, or any member of your household have any of the symptoms, we encourage you to take advantage of a free test. You will know within 24-48 hours if you have COVID-19. Once your test is negative, or you have been advised by health authorities that it is safe, please let us know you are returning. If you are sick, seek care.
We want to give an update on our plan of action in case there is a positive COVID-19 diagnosis amongst children or staff. Our plan states that we will shut down for cleaning if there is a diagnosis. That is still the case.
We want to clarify that the closure is only if the associate or child was present on our property during a time they were contagious. If the child or associate hadn’t been on the property, on vacation, leave, and so on while they were contagious, there is no need to close.
In every case, we will work with the local health department to make the appropriate decision based on the most up-to-date science and best practices.
UPDATE 7/11/2020: We uploaded an updated COVID-19 Safety Plan to this page. The updated plan includes all of the changes made to date that have been listed on this page.
Given the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases across the nation, we are asking for those who choose to vacation in hot spots, areas with rapidly growing infections, to stay away from the center for ten days after return to the local area. Please call us to discuss further if this applies to you or your family.
UPDATE October, 2020: We made one change to our response plan in the event an associate or child is diagnosed with COVID-19. We will no longer automatically close the entire center. We will work with the CDC and local health authorities to determine appropriate action in line with their most recent guidance. This is in line with state and local recommendations.
Brookshire Learning Center will no longer request parents to quarantine their children for ten days after returning from out of state travel nor will we require staff to quarantine for ten days after returning from out of state travel. This change aligns with Indiana state policy and CDC guidelines. If those change, we will revisit the policy.
This policy was initially instituted based on CDC guidance and in consultation with the local medical community when the pandemic began.
We want to clarify why we are eliminating it. When considering this policy change we also consulted with medical experts and the CDC.
We are not lifting the travel quarantine because of improving numbers, but because when comparing risk of behavior locally versus risk of behavior when traveling – it is relatively the same. The COVID-19 virus and its variants are not contained and we can assume there is community transmission at this time.
The risk is generally the same for families who may take part in high risk activities locally versus families who travel out of state to visit family or go on vacation.
The caveat always stands– if during travel you were around someone who had COVID-19 illness or received a positive test result, you should still contact your doctor, take all recommended actions, and quarantine the recommended time frame. If someone travels and anyone in the family gets sick upon returning, they should see their doctor and quarantine.
MASK USAGE: Effective immediately, we will not require the use of masks outdoors.
This policy change is driven by a change in Indiana's State Licensing regulations and policies we received on Friday. It is supported by guidance from the CDC and the state and local health departments.
Masks ARE still required to be worn by all adults in our buildings. If and when this guidance changes, we will let you know.
FIELD TRIPS: We will be allowed to resume field trips for our school age children this summer. CDC regulations require mask wearing by ALL people of any age riding a bus.
NOTE: Your child is welcome to wear a mask at our facilities. Please contact the office if you want your child to wear a mask.